Monday, August 30, 2010

All In The Family

Is it just me or does anybody else see a slight resemblence?!

Friday, August 13, 2010

A World Vision

This is Emma.

This is Sophia.

These two make my world go round. Since they have entered my life I find myself thinking differently. I have a different outlook than what I used to. Let me give you one example of what's been going through my head recently and how Emma and Sophie have made me look at things from a different perspective.

It's hard to imagine either of these girls ever being in need or having to go without something that they truly needed to survive. I hope they never have to experience anything like that. I've always tithed and given to different ministries but recently I decided to begin giving to World Vision. One of the reasons is because they offer the option of giving a gift in another person's name. They will send the recipient a card in the mail telling them of the gift that has been given.

I thought to myself, "It would be pretty cool if while I'm giving I could give in the name of these two girls and they could receive mail telling them about the gifts." It all started out with Emma's love of animals. I was able to donate several different animals to people in other countries who will be able to raise the animals for nutritious food and also be able to sell eggs, milk, etc. for additional money for their families.

The other thought that kept running around in my mind was that these little kids you see on the television commercials or on the fliers that come in your mailbox are someone's Emma and Sophie. Somewhere, someone loves those little kids just like I love these two and yet they have to sit by and watch as their kids go hungry or go without the medicine and care that they desperately need.

Emma and Sophie may not understand it now but their mom is saving the cards for them and someday when they're older I hope they will read the cards and understand exactly what they mean. And just maybe they'll have the desire to get involved with some ministry.

I have made it a point to give to World Vision each time I get paid and I've had the opportunity to pick out several different types of gifts. Each gift allows you to read a description of what takes place with the money that you give. As I was reading the last time
I was cut to the heart when I clicked on the link for "Hope For Sexually Exploited Girls" It included some words of testimony from a girl who had been rescued from human trafficking. Her name? Sophia.

It wouldn't have mattered what her name was, I was going to give anyway. But it was another reminder of how blessed my family and I are to live in a place where I don't have to worry about either one of my nieces facing such an unjust situation.

I'm not writing this blog to toot my own horn for giving or to say that World Vision is the only organization worthy of your funds. I know there are a lot of other places out there that are doing good things. I give to others as well. I am simply sharing what's been going on in my heart and life as of late. I can honestly say that I look forward to giving every time I get paid.

It's so much fun to me to be able to get on World Vision's website and look through the MANY things that are available for me to participate in. They have everything from animals, to food and water, to education and small business loans and more. If you're looking for new places to give I highly recommend that you check out their ministry. I believe they are good stewards of the money that they are given.

We aren't all called to pack up and move to the other side of the world but we are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to see the world and the people in it the way that He sees them. Sometimes that's the hardest part. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." This is one practical way of doing just that.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." -Matt. 19:14

What's your world vision?