Tuesday, June 29, 2010

146 Years Ago Today...

July 2, 1864..... For most people this date means nothing. Sometimes it goes by and I don't think much about it other than I'm usually gearing up for the 4th of July weekend which, along with Christmas is my favorite holiday. I'm thinking parades, fireworks, cook-outs and a day off of work.

146 years ago a man by the name of Benjamin Franklin Bartholomew probably would've liked to have been thinking of a holiday weekend with his family too. Instead he was dying in a Civil War hospital in Jeffersonville, IN.

You might say, "So what? A lot of people died during the Civil War." You're right about that. But not all of them happen to be my Great-great-great grandfather. I don't know his whole story but I'm trying to find out more.

I do know this much. He was born in 1827 in Ohio. He married my great-great-great grandmother, Asenath Rice and they moved to Michigan sometime in the late 1840's to early 1850's. He enlisted at 36 years of age in Vicksburg, MI in January of 1864 and served in the 19th Michigan Infantry, Co. E. and by July of that same year he was dead. He left behind a wife and five children; one unborn that he may have not even known was on the way. Of those five children the next to youngest; Walter, would be my great-great grandfather.

So many times I've run it through my mind, using different scenarios trying to figure out why he would enlist 3 years after the war started. . I've asked myself, "Why? At age 36 with a wife and children, why? Did he feel guilty not going? Were they offering large sums of money? Was he thinking of a better life for his family? Why?" I don't know. I hope someday I find out. I do know this; I'm so proud of him. I can't even imagine what was going through his mind knowing he was leaving and what hardships his wife and children had to go through without him around.

I don't know what battles he was in or how he died or what he died of. But in talking with people in Jeffersonville I have found out that Jeffersonville was home to the third largest Union hospital during the Civil War. The hospitals there were used for bringing wounded soldiers away from the front lines of the battle. If this is true then most likely he was wounded in some way and probably died either from the wound itself or complications with disease that had set in. I have to wonder what was running through his mind as he lay in the hospital. Was he thinking that he would pull through and see his family? Or did he know it was the end and that he would never see home again?

Grandpa Benjamin is buried in the New Albany National Cemetery in New Albany, IN just a few miles from Jeffersonville. I have been to his grave many times since I was a kid. Grave # 848. That's all some poeple will ever know. B.F. Bartholomew, #848, MICH. It doesn't seem fair that after such sacrifice many of the graves are so impersonal. I suppose they did the best they could. The family was too far away to come to a funeral service. He would have been dead and buried for days or even weeks before word ever reached home. Each time we visit his headstone is a little more weathered showing the wear and tear of the years. It gets a little harder to read each time we see it. I've often wondered what is buried with him. His uniform? A sword? A gun? Letters from home? Is there something that would've given us a clue to his life? I guess we'll never know.

For many years we were puzzled by his death because according to cemetery records he died and was buried the same day. Jeffersonville and New Albany are on the Ohio river just opposite of Louisville, KY. At first we thought that maybe he just happened to die at the right spot and they buried him there because they were in Union territory. We have since learned about the hospitals and it all makes more sense.

I also found out one other thing that gave me chills when I read it. In 1862 President Lincoln established the National Cemetery in New Albany; one of many throughout the country. Prior to this cemetery being instituted other fallen soldiers were buried in another area of town. The wooden grave markers had rotted away and in 1927 the city built a ball park over the cemetery without moving the graves. If Grandpa Benjamin had died before 1862, he could have been in one of those graves that was covered up and we never would've known where he was buried.

Each time I go I gain more and more appreciation for the sacrifices he and his family made. It makes me a little more sentimental each time I go visit because I think about the direction this country is going and I know that he and so many like him never intended for us to get as far away from our foundations as we have. They gave all and the freedoms they died to give us are slowly being taken away. One word comes to mind when I think of how much more they thought of us, people they would never know, than they thought of there own lives. Sobering.

So as I get ready to celebrate my favorite holiday this weekend, I will be excited about the fireworks, parades and all of that good stuff. But, I also will be reminded of one man's sacrifice in particular that hits a little closer to home. I will have fun and enjoy myself because I'm sure he would've wanted it that way. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." Thanks Grandpa.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Emma's first movie

This past weekend Emma got to go to her first movie! JT, Kori, Emma, me and John went to see "Toy Story 3". I don't remember if I
ever saw the second movie but I saw the first. I remembered that after I started watching this one. Emma was pretty good up until the very end and then she got a little restless. At the beginning she began naming all the animals as they came on the screen. "Dinosaur! Pig!" I looked over and it brought a smile to my face to see her munching down popcorn and staring at the screen in wonder. The wonder subsided after awhile and that's when she was ready for the movie to be over. She kept saying, "All done, all done!" After the movie we went to meet Mom and Dad for ice cream. They had been watching Sophie for the evening. As you can tell by the picture, Emma was thoroughly enjoying her ice cream! Her eyes crack me up!

I hadn't been to a movie in a long time and I had a great time. There were two parts to the movie that were my favorites. 1) Two of the toys were Ken and Barbie and they were hilarious! 2) Buzz Lightyear got set on Spanish mode and began talking, singing and dancing in Spanish. It was great! I love when movies are written for kids by adults. The kids don't have a clue how funny some of the dialogue is and us grownups are laughing hysterically! All in all it was a great movie and it was a good evening. It will be even more fun when Emma gets a little older and will sit through the whole thing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

There are several things that I like about my job. First, I get to be outside. Second, I get to drive and I love driving. And because I am driving I get to see lots of cool places. So these are a few pictures that I took one day as I was working.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here are some older pictures that I thought I would post. A few weeks ago I went to Pizza Hut with Kori, Amber, Alisha and Sophie. We went out to dinner because Amber was leaving that week to move to Nashville. Bad Amber! sophie enjoyed just being held by Alisha while we all talked. This other picture of Emma and Sophie with Dad is from quite awhile ago but I don't remember when or why we took it. Hopefully soon I will be able to post the events of this weekend which included Emma's first movie followed by ice cream. Stay tuned!

Cornfields and Cropdusters

So this is what my life has consisted of lately and is one of the reasons why I haven't been posting as much lately. We have had a lot of rain lately so if I get a rain day I try to post. This crop duster was spraying the field across from where I was working the other day. It was much closer than it looks in the picture. If I would've had my other camera with the bigger zoom I could have gotten a better picture. And here of course is a picture of me with corn in the background. It won't be long and the corn will be taller than me!

Random Pictures

Here are a couple random pictures of my girls that I took the other night. I think Emma is thinking, "I've got you now, Sophie!!!"

Summertime Fun!

Well here are a few pictures of the girls trying out the new pool that Papa bought them! Emma was so excited to get into her water suit! I love the picture of her looking through the deck at the pool because she had been told she had to wait to get into the it. And of course I love Sophie modeling her swimming suit. I think she looks like a sumo wrestler! Well, except that's she actually cute in the outfit! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I really need to post again but work and dial up internet are prohibiting me!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just a few pictures of some of the many flowers that are in bloom around our house!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Activities

This past weekend held several activites around here. On Sunday night we hosted "twentysomething" at our house which is a new group that we've started for, you guessed it, the twenty-somethings from church. We got together for a Bible study/campfire and just hung out and had a good time. It was very hot this weekend so we set up the sprinkler and a few people ran through that to get cooled off. The picture of Sophie is after Kori took her through it. I think the reflection on her stomach is from the camera. It's cute anyway whatever it is.

On Monday we planned on going to a parade, especially for Emma's sake but it got rained out. Instead we ended up at Wendy's for lunch and then back here in the evening for more food and family time. Emma was really enjoying her chocolate milk and had a big smile for the camera.

It seemed to me that JT was in a strange mood on Monday because several times he got to laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes. I'm not sure what was so funny this particular time but it was good for picture taking anyway.