Saturday, January 28, 2012

Why Should Church Be Boring?

I for one cannot stand when church is boring. Now, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to church just like they do with everything else. And that's fine. People should attend a church where they feel they fit in and where they can be supportive of the work that's going on there. If you can't support the church you're in then I'll be the first to say go somewhere where you can instead of being a discouragement to those around you.

However, I personally don't understand why when you attend services in a lot of American churches you could easily mistake where you are for a funeral home, not a church. There could be several dead bodies around you and you wouldn't know it. You'd just say, "They're not dead, they're just in church." Unfortunately I find myself guilty of acting this way at times. Shame on me.

I fear we as Christians have our outlook wrong when it comes to how we should behave in church. I don't think God is so pleased with our lack of enthusiasm at times. Some people don't understand the desire to have that loud music and clapping with flashing lights and dare I say it...jumping up and down and dancing! And I'm not saying this is the only way that you can worship but why do so many people get all freaked out about those who like to have a little more pizazz at church? I don't get it.

If you don't want to get excited about church that's your choice and I can't tell you how to worship. But I will say this, Christians should be to the most excited people on the face of this earth because of everything Jesus has done for us and our lives should reflect that inside and outside of the four walls of the church. I admit I don't always do the best of conveying that message.

The world is surrounded by so much death as it is. They don't need to think that the Church is the same. I think it's safe to say that overall the world does not see the Church as attractive. Why would they when we can at times be so very boring? We preach hellfire and brimstone (and there is a time and a place for that) but find it hard to mention the amazing love and grace of God. We tell them that what we have is what they need and yet we don't give them any reason to believe that it's true. We live our lives and attend church so many times with an "I do it because I have to" attitude and "There's so many rules and regulations" instead of "I'm free from legalism and it's such a joy to be a Christian". No wonder they don't want to have anything to do with us.

In Romans the Bible says it's the kindness of God that leads us to repentance, not legalism and boredom. If we don't have anything to be excited about then the world might as well continue to live in sin. At least they're having fun. Sadly that's more than they can say about us at times.

I really don't think Jesus is in heaven saying, "Look at my children. They are going way overboard with the way they're celebrating everything I've done. I mean, really, all I did was live a perfect life, suffer a gruesome death on a cross and miraculously rise from the dead. And all I did was forgive their sins so they don't have to spent eternity in hell. I gave them the right to be called sons and daughters of God and I made them the very righteousness of God. They've been set free spiritually, emotionally and physically and can have abundant life while on earth and can have direct access to you, Father. I really don't know why they're so excited. They should just calm down. I wish they wouldn't make such a big deal out it."

I guarantee you, that's not what Jesus thinks. If anything I'm afraid He's wondering why we aren't more thankful for what He's done and looking for every opportunity to share it with the world. I think He's standing in our churches watching us during worship and asking, "Isn't what I've done worth more than this to you? Can't you go a little overboard for me? I saw you last week while you were watching that football game and you were pretty into it. Can't you get that energized for me? Jump up an down and scream for me! I want you to go crazy for me! I'm jealous for your affection. I want you to show the world that belonging to me is exciting! I want you to be as zealous for me as I am for you! You are running out of time! Go tell the world about what you've found before it's too late!"

I think we tend to forget that Jesus is right there with us in church. If we stopped to think about that more often we would probably act different but we seem to forget that. Instead I think we look at it as though He were in heaven looking down but maybe he's distracted by the Baptists down the road or the Methodists next door so He's not paying attention to us right now. No, he's right there with us and probably wondering why we're so apathetic.

Petra is one of my favorite bands of all time and I grew up listening to them. They are an awesome example of how you don't have to choose between good music or good lyrics. They never compromised either one and it seems like they have a song for everything. So, this song has been playing in my head as I write this. I will leave you with the lyrics. The second verse especially speaks to this topic.


The battle cry is getting louder
The countdown's close to the final hour
The enemy is on every side
Still no match for the crucified

Victory unto victory
We are soldiers in His army

Stand up, take a stand for Jesus
Stand up, so the whole world sees us
Showing the way to a world gone astray
Shining our light with all of our might
Stand up, take a stand for Jesus
Stand up, so the whole world sees us
Following Him, serving Him
Fighting the fight that we know we will win

Out of the pews and into the streets
Making some use of our beautiful feet
Redeeming the time for the days are evil
This whole world's in such upheaval
We wrestle not with flesh and blood
But when the enemy comes in like a flood

Gotta lay our lives down
And stand up for the truth we've found
Gotta let the redeemed of the Lord say so

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts and timely! I am so glad I go to an exciting church!
